Park and Recreation
51.01 Firearms
51.02 Alcoholic Beverages
51.03 Park Hours
51.04 Vehicles
51.05 Fires
51.06 Animals
51.07 Fines
51.01 Firearms
No firearms or bows and arrows shall be permitted on park grounds at any time. Provided, however, that this restriction shall not be applicable to duly authorized law enforcement personnel while engaged in said employment.
51.02 Alcoholic Beverages
No alcoholic beverages shall be sold, purchased, possessed, or consumed on park grounds at any time.
51.03 Park Hours
Use of park facilities shall be limited to the following times.
6:00 AM TO 11:00 PM
Exceptions to the time limits provided herein above may be granted in writing by the Fairmount Park Board under circumstances, as said Park Board may deem proper.
51.04 Vehicles
The use of motor vehicles on park property shall be restricted to paved roadway surfaces and designated “parking areas”.
A. No motor vehicle shall be permitted on park property unless said vehicles is duly registered and licensed for highway travel.
B. No vehicle shall travel on park premises at a speed in excess of 10 mph.
C. No wheeled vehicle of any type or description shall be permitted on the paved tennis court area.
51.05 Fires
No open fires shall be permitted on park premises with the exception of cooking fires, which shall be confined to portable grills, barbecues, cook stoves, or other suitable cooking equipment. No cooking fire permitted by this Section shall be left be properly and completely extinguished after use.
51.06 Animals
No dog, cat, or other animal or pet shall be permitted on park premises unless such animal is at all times restrained by a leash, lead, or chain. No such animal shall be permitted on park premises unless it be under the direct control of a responsible person.
51.07 Fines
Any person violating any of the provisions of any Section or Sections of this Ordinance shall be fined in any sum not exceeding Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00). All Ordinances, or parts thereof, in conflict with any provision of this Ordinance are hereby repealed.
Ordinance #6-1976; passed May 10, 1976
Ordinance #8-1994; passed August 8, 1994
Ordinance #2-2004; passedApril 12, 2004
Chapter 52: Extreme Sport Park
52.01 Effective Regulations
52.02 Obedience to the Rules of the Extreme Sport Park
52.03 Maintenance of Extreme Sport Park
52.04 Penalties
52.01 Effective Regulations
(A) It is a violation for any person to do any act forbidden or fail to perform any act required in this chapter.
(B) The parent of any child and the guardian of any ward shall not violate or knowingly permit any child or ward to violate any of the provisions of this chapter.
(C) These regulations are applicable to extreme sport equipment as defined by Indiana Code 34-6-2-44.6 for us in the extreme Sport Park, which has been established in the Playacres Park for the Town of Fairmount, Indiana.
52.02 Obedience to the Rules of the Extreme Sport Park
(A) Any person operating extreme sport equipment at the extreme Sport Park in Playacres Park in the Town shall obey all of the posted rules, which rules shall be posted at the entryway to the extreme sport park. Such sign shall have a yellow background with the rules appearing in black lettering.
(B) The Park Board for the Town of Fairmount, Indiana, shall be entitled to establish by appropriate resolution rules for the extreme sport park which may be modified from time to time, but such rules shall specifically include the following:
(i) Only extreme sport equipment may occur in the extreme Sport Park;
(ii) All users shall be required to wear protective helmets, elbow pads, knee pads, wrist guards and shoes;
(iii) No glass containers, food, gum or beverages shall be allowed on the paved surface.
(iv) No other foreign items shall be utilized as ramps or jumps besides those already provided in the extreme sport park;
(v) No pets are allowed in the extreme sport park area;
(vi) Ramps shall not be utilized by any users until the down ramps are clear of other users;
(vii) Alcohol, tobacco, drugs and weapons are prohibited within the fenced area;
(viii) Horseplay, roughhousing, fighting and violence are prohibited;
(ix) Only one person per extreme sport equipment;
(x) No use shall occur while the surface is wet due to rain, snow or other weather conditions;
(xi) Spectators are required to stay off of the park paved surfaces;
(xii) Children who are eight (8) years of age and under must be supervised by an adult who is at least eighteen (18) years old; and
(xiii) The hours of operation shall be stated.
52.03 Maintenance of Extreme Sport Park
(A) No person shall make any changes in the park surface without the express approval of the Park Board.
(B) No person shall modify, change or deface the posted park rules or damage surrounding fences.
(C) No person shall be within the extreme sport area at any time outside of the posted hours of permitted use.
52.04 Penalties
Any person who violates any provision of the code chapter commits an ordinance violation and upon conviction may be fined not more than fifty ($50.00) dollars, in addition to Court costs.
Ordinance #5-2002; adopted 06-24-2002.
53.01 Purpose
53.02 Funds
53.01 Purpose
A special Non-Reverting Capitol park fund for the purpose of providing for Capitol Improvements created to Burns Ind. Stat. Ann. 48-5852(2).
53.02 Funds
1. Transfer from Park General Funds
2. Fees paid by Temporary Vendors
Ordinance #5-1974; passed 7-29-74
Ordinance #2-1982; passed 1-25-82
Ordinance #5-2003; passed 8-25-2003
Ordinance #10-2003; passed 11-24-03
Ordinance #8-2004; passed 9-27-04